Month: June 2022

Wall Street analysts expect Enthusiast Gaming Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:EGLX – Get Rating) to report $38.82 million in sales for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Two analysts have made estimates for Enthusiast Gaming’s earnings, with estimates ranging from $37.88 million to $39.76 million. Enthusiast Gaming posted sales of $30.17 million during the same
FAANG stocks like Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) have had a tough time so far this year. A rising interest rate environment has put pressure on them. In the case of some FAANG stocks, they’ve been “de-fanged” due to earnings misses. Yet in the case of AAPL stock, while it’s been affected by market conditions, I wouldn’t say
Despite coming down nearly 35% this year, Ford (NYSE:F) stock remains a safe long-term investment. The decline in F stock this year follows a monster rally in 2021 that saw the Detroit automaker’s share price gain a staggering 136% during the calendar year as the company made strides in its shift to producing electric vehicles.
The stock market is now highly volatile and investors still fear that the Federal Reserve rate hikes could result in a recession. However, even in the best-case scenario, some stocks remain overvalued. These overvalued stocks will likely face a sharp decline during a market crash. Multiple stocks have already gone through a correction. However, there
Chase Coleman’s Tiger Global Management suffered huge losses in May amid a tech-driven sell-off, making the hedge fund’s tough 2022 even worse. The growth-focused flagship fund at Tiger Global tumbled 14.3% in May, bringing its 2022 losses to over 50%, a source familiar with the return told CNBC’s David Faber. In the first quarter, Tiger
Investing in retirement requires careful thought and preparation. Investors looking for retirement stocks not only need to continue to grow their nest egg, but also protect their portfolio from inflation, market downturns and unexpected events. As such, investors need to seek out stocks of established companies that have a track record of delivering consistent, reliable