Analysts Set CAE Inc. (NYSE:CAE) PT at $40.56


Shares of CAE Inc. (NYSE:CAE) (TSE:CAE) have received an average recommendation of “Hold” from the ten brokerages that are currently covering the company, reports. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, three have assigned a hold rating and five have issued a buy rating on the company. The average twelve-month target price among analysts that have issued ratings on the stock in the last year is $42.14.

A number of research analysts recently issued reports on CAE shares. TD Securities boosted their price target on CAE from C$40.00 to C$42.00 and gave the company a “hold” rating in a report on Monday, November 1st. Morgan Stanley started coverage on CAE in a report on Friday, December 3rd. They set an “equal weight” rating and a $37.00 price target on the stock. Zacks Investment Research downgraded CAE from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a report on Tuesday, November 16th. Bank of America downgraded CAE from a “neutral” rating to an “underperform” rating in a report on Wednesday, August 25th. Finally, Scotiabank reduced their target price on CAE from C$46.00 to C$45.00 and set an “outperform” rating on the stock in a report on Friday, November 12th.

CAE stock traded up $0.60 during mid-day trading on Monday, hitting $24.09. 491,614 shares of the stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 333,093. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.65, a current ratio of 1.27 and a quick ratio of 0.95. The business has a fifty day moving average price of $28.19 and a 200 day moving average price of $29.39. CAE has a 12 month low of $21.65 and a 12 month high of $34.19. The stock has a market capitalization of $7.64 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 66.92, a PEG ratio of 4.60 and a beta of 1.74.

CAE (NYSE:CAE) (TSE:CAE) last released its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, November 11th. The aerospace company reported $0.14 EPS for the quarter, missing the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of $0.16 by ($0.02). CAE had a return on equity of 7.01% and a net margin of 3.91%. During the same period in the previous year, the company posted $0.09 earnings per share. As a group, equities analysts forecast that CAE will post 0.65 EPS for the current fiscal year.

Institutional investors and hedge funds have recently made changes to their positions in the business. Pinnacle Associates Ltd. raised its stake in CAE by 1.3% during the 2nd quarter. Pinnacle Associates Ltd. now owns 786,912 shares of the aerospace company’s stock valued at $24,237,000 after buying an additional 9,805 shares during the last quarter. Lazard Asset Management LLC increased its stake in shares of CAE by 0.7% in the 2nd quarter. Lazard Asset Management LLC now owns 586,265 shares of the aerospace company’s stock worth $18,056,000 after purchasing an additional 4,152 shares in the last quarter. Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC purchased a new stake in shares of CAE in the 2nd quarter worth $1,027,000. Russell Investments Group Ltd. increased its stake in shares of CAE by 8.7% in the 2nd quarter. Russell Investments Group Ltd. now owns 3,371,911 shares of the aerospace company’s stock worth $103,958,000 after purchasing an additional 269,741 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Bank of Nova Scotia increased its stake in shares of CAE by 213.2% in the 2nd quarter. Bank of Nova Scotia now owns 1,817,630 shares of the aerospace company’s stock worth $55,983,000 after purchasing an additional 1,237,341 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 56.27% of the company’s stock.

CAE Company Profile

CAE, Inc engages in the provision of digital immersion and training services for the civil aviation, defense and security, and healthcare markets. It operates through the following segments: Civil Aviation Training Solutions, Defence and Security, and Healthcare. The Civil Aviation Training Solutions segment focuses on aviation professionals, airlines, business aviation operators, and aircraft manufacturers.

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