Wealthspire Advisors LLC boosted its holdings in shares of Walmart Inc. (NYSE:WMT) by 59.9% in the 3rd quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 20,166 shares of the retailer’s stock after acquiring an additional 7,556 shares during the period. Wealthspire Advisors LLC’s holdings in Walmart were worth $2,811,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.
Other hedge funds and other institutional investors have also made changes to their positions in the company. Guidance Point Advisors LLC purchased a new stake in Walmart during the 3rd quarter valued at about $30,000. Mizuho Securities Co. Ltd. grew its stake in Walmart by 360.0% during the 3rd quarter. Mizuho Securities Co. Ltd. now owns 253 shares of the retailer’s stock valued at $35,000 after acquiring an additional 198 shares in the last quarter. Spectrum Management Group LLC grew its stake in Walmart by 64.2% during the 3rd quarter. Spectrum Management Group LLC now owns 312 shares of the retailer’s stock valued at $43,000 after acquiring an additional 122 shares in the last quarter. Macroview Investment Management LLC grew its stake in Walmart by 513.5% during the 3rd quarter. Macroview Investment Management LLC now owns 319 shares of the retailer’s stock valued at $44,000 after acquiring an additional 267 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Clearstead Trust LLC grew its stake in Walmart by 31.3% during the 3rd quarter. Clearstead Trust LLC now owns 373 shares of the retailer’s stock valued at $52,000 after acquiring an additional 89 shares in the last quarter. 30.87% of the stock is owned by institutional investors.
In other Walmart news, CEO C Douglas Mcmillon sold 9,708 shares of Walmart stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, November 24th. The shares were sold at an average price of $146.78, for a total value of $1,424,940.24. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available at this hyperlink. Also, Director S Robson Walton sold 601,845 shares of Walmart stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, December 27th. The shares were sold at an average price of $140.42, for a total transaction of $84,511,074.90. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. In the last 90 days, insiders have sold 8,104,124 shares of company stock valued at $1,132,904,555. Corporate insiders own 48.44% of the company’s stock.
WMT has been the topic of several recent analyst reports. Stifel Nicolaus decreased their target price on shares of Walmart from $160.00 to $155.00 and set a “hold” rating on the stock in a report on Tuesday, November 16th. Credit Suisse Group initiated coverage on shares of Walmart in a report on Friday, November 19th. They issued an “outperform” rating and a $166.00 target price on the stock. Royal Bank of Canada initiated coverage on shares of Walmart in a report on Thursday, January 27th. They issued an “outperform” rating and a $160.00 target price on the stock. The Goldman Sachs Group upped their price objective on shares of Walmart from $184.00 to $196.00 and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a report on Tuesday, October 19th. Finally, MKM Partners upgraded shares of Walmart from a “neutral” rating to a “buy” rating and upped their price objective for the stock from $156.00 to $166.00 in a report on Friday, November 19th. Five research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and seventeen have issued a buy rating to the company. According to MarketBeat, Walmart presently has an average rating of “Buy” and an average target price of $170.65.
Shares of NYSE:WMT opened at $137.96 on Tuesday. Walmart Inc. has a one year low of $126.28 and a one year high of $152.57. The company has a 50 day moving average of $141.08 and a 200-day moving average of $143.82. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.45, a current ratio of 0.95 and a quick ratio of 0.29. The stock has a market cap of $382.68 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 48.24, a P/E/G ratio of 3.90 and a beta of 0.51.
Walmart (NYSE:WMT) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, November 16th. The retailer reported $1.45 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $1.39 by $0.06. The firm had revenue of $140.50 billion during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $134.26 billion. Walmart had a net margin of 1.40% and a return on equity of 20.30%. The business’s revenue for the quarter was up 4.3% on a year-over-year basis. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company earned $1.34 earnings per share. Equities research analysts anticipate that Walmart Inc. will post 6.41 earnings per share for the current year.
Walmart Company Profile
Walmart, Inc engages in retail and wholesale business. The Company offers an assortment of merchandise and services at everyday low prices. It operates through the following business segments: Walmart U.S., Walmart International, and Sam’s Club. The Walmart U.S. segment operates as a merchandiser of consumer products, operating under the Walmart, Wal-Mart, and Walmart Neighborhood Market brands, as well as walmart.com and other eCommerce brands.
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