The Hourly View for LAW
Currently, LAW (Get Ratings)’s price is down $-0.23 (-0.4%) from the hour prior. This is a reversal of the price action on the previous hour, in which price moved up. Regarding the trend, note that the strongest trend exists on the 50 hour timeframe. The moving averages on the hourly timeframe suggest a bullishness in price, as the 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a bullish alignment — meaning the shorter durations are above the longer duration averages, implying a sound upward trend.
Out of Business Services stocks, LAW ranks 182nd in regards to today’s price percentage change.
LAW’s Technical Outlook on the Daily Chart
At the time of this writing, LAW’s price is up $0.51 (0.91%) from the day prior. It’s been a feast for bulls operating on the daily timeframe, as LAW has now gone up 4 of the past 5 days. As for the trend on the daily timeframe, we see the clearest trend on the 20 day timeframe. The moving averages on the daily timeframe suggest a choppiness in price, as the are all in a mixed alignment — meaning the trend across timeframes is inconsistent, indicating a potential opportunity for rangebound traders. The chart below shows LAW’s price action over the past 90 days.
LAW: Daily RSI Analysis
- For LAW, its RSI is now at 100.
- LAW and RSI may be exhibiting divergent trends. This may be something to monitor.
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